Thursday, January 30, 2014

Grow baby grow!

Hello all!

The past week has been very busy and exciting. I had my egg retrieval last Friday. All went well. Dr. Williams was able to get nine eggs, however one was immature. So that left us with eight. All were fertilized and three took off! Two grew very well and the last one stopped developing after the first day.

Lindsay's transfer was January 27th. Dr. Williams transferred the two healthy embryos to her. One embryo was eight cells and one was six cells. Not sure what that all means, but I was told they were right on track and very healthy!

We won't know if one or both of the embryos implanted for awhile yet. Waiting is very hard! Lindsay goes for blood work February 7th and again on the 10th. Hopefully the results will let us know if we have a baby (or two) cooking!

It is very hard to be patient, but I trust this is the path we were meant to travel. I keep faith in God, I know he will guide us through and provide us with what is meant to be.

Please keep praying for our Baby M! Your support means so much to Scott, Lindsay and I during this time.

Keeping faith,

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